a posteriori probability

[数] 后验概率



[数] 后验概率,后验机率
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1·SD as the initial model to the maximum a posteriori probability method in 150 training samples to identify the best, can reach 90.4 .
以SD为初始模型的最大后验概率方法在150个训练样本时识别效果最好,可以达到90.4% 。
2·A posteriori probability analysis method was proposed based on a parallel optimization algorithm, and applied to quantitative analysis of matched inversion results.
3·Through the idea of minimal conflict sets, the probability of all the possible system states can be obtained and the posteriori probabilities of a component in ce.
当系统的观测与预期不符合时 ,利用最小冲突集的概念得到系统可能的状态 。
4·Through the idea of minimal conflict sets, the probability of all the possible system states can be obtained and the posteriori probabilities of a component in ce.
更新时间:2025-04-01 06:22